Crowning Victory | Light of the Soul!

About Us

The soul's school...

Posted by Admin on 20 April 2019

Even little dogs eat the scraps that fall from their masters' table. (Matthew 15:27; Mark 7:28).

Star Strengths attempts to understand the daily ordinary trials of each one, with the hope of reviving a sad, but yet a unique soul.

This website is centred to encourage, develop and form the challenged, with the intention to improve the spiritual well-being of a soul; to hold the hands of the poor in spirit; the down hearted and downcast: tortured by guilt - a consequence of societal judgement and opinions (Matthew 11:28-30), the discouraged: alienated and marginalised by non-vocational affiliation..., the "publicans" (Luke 18:13)!

The site may not fulfil everything, but it will allow a soul to grow - to carry on, even amidst the sense of "failure" and of rejection. Learning to pick itself up; keeping Jesus within focus, while trying over and over again to rise from the dust, to one's feet (just like Zacchaeus, who climbed a sycamore tree to get a clear vision of the LORD (Luke 19:3-7)); to be that Christ, to live as Christ, to breath with Christ, and keep in Christ as Christ lives in the soul (Galatians 2:20).

In a united struggle, have a blessed encounter!